November 9, 2022

New Podcast Show and Initial Release of Pre-Recorded Interviews

Dear Audience and Guests-

I am thrilled to announce the upcoming launch date of my new podcast show, “Dr. Rebecca’s Let’s Talk Horses: May the Force of the Horse Be With You!”, and first public release of pre-recorded podcast episodes on Friday, November 11th, 2022 at Noon.

The podcast episodes include interviews with guests from all over the world who specialize in horse-human interactions, treatment, and certifications in mental health and learning, coaching, and research, and application of phenomenon of the human-animal bond in a variety of capacities, such as in clinical research and counseling treatment environments.

Originally, I had planned to release the show and episodes a year ago, however due to COVID -pandemic and multiple professional and life interruptions that delayed my podcast project I was was unable to complete until now. I am grateful for my guests’ patience, time, and understanding, and I am now very excited to share their interviews with you all.

Their interviews will be released in sequence of 1 new episode weekly on Fridays at Noon, and in addition to upcoming new releases of episodes from new guests from 2022 and 2023. Please note, the pre-recorded episodes with guest names and their release schedule will be posted by end of this week and shared in our News and Newsletter.

In meantime, I hope you enjoy listening or watching the content, and please feel free to leave a comment, share, or follow us, and May the Force of the Horse be With You!

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