EAMH Research Program


EAMH Research Program

Eudaemonia Equine Connections, Inc.’s Equine-Assisted Mental Health (EAMH) Research Program is dedicated to helping advance the knowledge and growth of the EAMH field through research project design and consultation, research focus groups and original research, and with our peer-reviewed academic journal, Journal of Equines for Mental Health.

Also, this program will assist with publicly posting and sharing of results of Eudaemonia Equine Connections, Inc. research consultation projects, either on the Website, in the academic journal (if it passes peer review and editorial requirements), at conferences, and other scientific venues.

EAMH Research Project Design & Consultation

Eudaemonia Equine Connections, Inc.’s equine-assisted mental health (EAMH) Research Design and Consultation services were created to assist interested parties (beginner and/or veteran researchers) in developing research project designs and proposals in any area related to equines incorporated in mental health treatment for humans.

There is a significant need in the field of EAMH for quality research, and this program will help researchers create the best fit research project for their organization and research goals, and get started on the right track before recruiting for participants or starting collecting data.

Currently, Dr. Rebecca Wara-Goss is available for consultation about research designs and methodology for equine-related mental health research (fees may apply, please contact for further details!)

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EAMH Research Focus Groups & Original Research

Eudaemonia Equine Connections, Inc.’s equine-assisted mental health (EAMH) Research Focus Groups assists in equine-related mental health topics of interest and need for research. The diversity and broadness of Focus Group experts’ opinions are invaluable to development of original research design and implementation.

Focus Groups consist of small groups of professionals who are experts in their respective fields whom provide professional opinions, experiences, and oversight in assisting creation of original research project ideas and need. They may be from diverse backgrounds in different disciplines and education, for example do not have to just be psychotherapists and equine professionals.

Original Research Program are EEC, Inc. led EAMH-related research projects in which we create, design, implement, and publish results. Some of these projects may be large scale and require sponsorship or research grants to help pay staff and for costs of instruments, data analysis programs, and other tools needed during research; and some may be small scale and do not require a lot of time, effort, or resources.

Also, this research program may help the initial start-up for research question and methodology design and assist with ongoing consultation and support for researchers who want to implement and complete the projects via experiment in the field the research area of focus wherever they may be located—locally, nationally, or internationally, and same research project can be done simultaneously by different researchers in different locations.

These projects available to be examined will be announced here and in our News & Events page and copyrights of research will be shared between originator and field researchers, such as with names of the authors on the research article listed.

We would greatly appreciate donations and grants towards our original research development and implementation efforts.

If you would like to assist in funding groundbreaking research in equine-related behavioral health care conducted locally, nationally, and internationally, then please Donate Today!

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the federal branch that oversees the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) and the “Belmont Report”. The Belmont Report was created in 1974 and consists of three guiding principles: beneficence, justice, and respect for persons involved in medical and behavioral health research. In 2000, the OHRP was founded with the purpose to protect the rights, welfare, and wellbeing of human research subjects. The “Common Rule” is the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects rule of ethics that is regulated and guided by an HHS approved Institutional Review Board (IRB).

An IRB provides oversight, ethical safety, and HHS government compliance for institutions that conduct research with human participants. IRBs serve to assure that costs of risk-benefit analysis and appropriate steps are taken to protect welfare and rights of human subjects who volunteer to participate in a study. An IRB committee will review research methods proposed to ensure they are ethical and approve or reject behavioral health research with humans.

An HHS Approved IRB Committee Requirements Include

  • Have at least five members with varying backgrounds to promote complete and adequate review of the research activities commonly conducted by the institution;
  • Make every nondiscriminatory effort to ensure that the membership is not composed of entirely men or entirely women;
  • Include at least one member whose primary concerns are in scientific areas and at least one member whose primary concerns are in nonscientific areas;
  • Include at least one member who is not otherwise affiliated with the institution and who is not part of the immediate family of a person who is affiliated with the institution; and
  • Not allow any member to participate in the initial or continuing review of any project in which the member has a conflicting interest, except to provide information requested by the IRB. Please see the regulations at 45 CFR 46.107 for complete information on all of the required qualifications to properly compose an IRB.

At EEC, Inc., we are in the process of initial registration as an IRB institution and creation of our IRB Review Board so that we may assist in review and approval of human subject research that either we create, provide consultation for, or independent researchers need IRB approval from an independent body for research grant funding.

We will post our IRB status in our News & Events letters.

If you are interested to participate as a member of our IRB Committee, Contact Us!


If you have questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to Contact Us and we can discuss research and pricing options that meet your or your organization’s research needs.

Price Estimates

Are subject to change based on needs of researcher and scale of project

$ Free Call
  • 1. First 30-minute intro
  • 2. Overview of research
  • 3. Phone or Zoom call

Price Estimates

Are subject to change based on needs of researcher and scale of project

$ 150 /hour
  • 1. One-time
  • 2. 60-minute
  • 3. Consultation

Price Estimates

Are subject to change based on needs of researcher and scale of project

$ 700 6 hour value
  • 1. Research Package
  • 2. Design Package
  • 3. 6-Hour value

Price Estimates

Are subject to change based on needs of researcher and scale of project

$ 1200 Unlimited
  • 1. On-going Research
  • 2. On-going design package
  • 3. Unlimited hours

IRB Approved Research rates- Coming soon!

Volunteer Opportunities

Behavioral health research takes time, resources, commitment, and teamwork. At EEC, Inc. we cannot meet our goals of expanding knowledge and awareness of EAMH on our own, and are in need of volunteers interested to be part of our research programs.

If you are interested in being part of ground-breaking research in equine-related mental health research or contribute your expertise in the open positions listed in Job Opportunities, please Contact Us.